The <embed> tag starts an appropriate browser plugin, located on the client computer. The SRC modifier is the only required modifier. This is usually done with media clips, like sounds or movies.
- src="url" width=xxx height=xxx align=position pluginspage="url" hidden="true/false" href="link url" target="location" autostart="true/false" loop="true/false" playcount="#reps" volume="loudness" controls="control display" controller="true/false" starttime="" endtime="">
- The URL is the location and filename of the file.
- WIDTH=number
- Width, in either pixels or the percentage of the screen (ie; 80%).
- HEIGHT=pixels
- The actual height of the image in pixels.
- ALIGN=position
- The align modifier controls the horizontal location, with respect to the field the item resides in. Options can be LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT.
- The URL is the location of page to get the Browser plugin to install in case the client doesn't already have it.
- In case you need to hide the plugin. Options are TRUE or FALSE.
- Allows the embedded object to act as a link to another URL.
- TARGET="target-window-name"
- Defines the window the link result will appear in. Options are _blank (a new blank window), _self (current link window), _parent (previous window), _top (full body of current window) or top (into a new blank window).
- Indicates whether to automatically start the media clip when page is loaded. Options include TRUE or FALSE.
- Indicates whether to allow multiple plays. Options are TRUE or FALSE.
- PLAYCOUNT="reps"
- Controls number of repetitions to play.
- Controls volume (user still has ultimate control. Options are 0 (silent) to 100 (loudest).
- Defines to control console to show the user. Options include CONSOLE, SMALLCONSOLE, PLAYBUTTON, PAUSEBUTTON, STOPBUTTON or VOLUMELEVER.
- Indicates whether to show controls or not. Options are TRUE or FALSE.
- Usually used in conjunction with ENDTIME, indicates (with AUTOSTART) the time to start. Options are in minutes:seconds.
- Usually used in conjunction with STARTTIME, indicates (with AUTOSTART) the time to end. Options are in minutes:seconds.