Linking to Other
Web Page Content
This is where the internet starts to getting fun and useful because, I want to make my own web page connect to other peoples web pages! Linking is useful because of the potential for elaboration without forcing it.
You can write web pages in a way that doesn't bore the expert, but doesn't lose the novice either. If you explain something quickly on a web page, you can link a complex term to supporting material, explaining it to someone who doesn't understand that complex term. This is a very cool HTML trick to make your web page useful to a much broader audience.
Absolute vs
Relative Link Addressing
This is like giving directions to a house. You might direct a friend to the third house on the right. This makes an assumption of your current location. If you start somewhere else, these directions won't work. Postal workers tend to insist on absolute addresses. An absolute address works because there is only one place that qualifies as that absolute address, no matter where you start.
Linking to an Absolute
Web Page Address
Finding an absolute address is simpler and more accurate than finding a relative address. It works no matter where you start. I'm sure this is why the Post Office uses this concept.
This is an example of an absolute address. I'll make the link start another page for convenience (explained later). You'll also note, the link doesn't include the WWW at the beginning of the link, but ends up there anyway. Sometimes this happens because the web site redirects to a single location, in which case, only the web site administrator can change this.
In this example the href modifier must define not only the domain, but also the type of resource (http://). The target location may include a specific page or item. It can also specify a place within the specific page. Remember to use the </a> closing tag.
Link to <a href=""> A different Web Page!</a>
Linking to a Relative
Web Page Address
A relative address involves one more variable compared to absolute. This variable is where you are now. This can simplify your linking life considerably.
Consider directing a toddler to the house next door. You would simply say "go next door" and point, or tell them who to go see (relative). These are references that a toddler can understand. Since they can't read, the postal address (absolute) would be a complete waste of time. I'm sure you can think of many other instances where a relative address would be simpler.
This links to another page within this web site called linkpage.htm. As you can see, the code includes a closing </a> code. Everything between the starting and closing codes are part of the link.
Link to <a href="linkpage.htm"> Make My Own Web Page!</a>
Linking to a Specific Place on a Web Page
Sometimes you need to link to a specific line on a web page. This can be done by setting an anchor, then linking to it. You'll see various web pages with a Table of Contents at the top of the page with links to items below. This is another useful HTML trick to add to your arsenal of knowledge.
<a name="place"></a>
Link to <a href="index.htm
#place"> A place on Make My Own Web Page!</a>