Search Engine Optimization is often abbreviated as SEO. Most people find stuff on the internet by using the Search Engines. Each one of the search engines act a little differently. Google is the current king of the search engine world.
What SEO is really doing, is giving you the opportunity to communicate with your potential visitors. You have your technical terminology for your product. You might call it the "Galvatronic EXY5280." Your potential visitor might simply refer to it as a "Red, White and Blue Widget." This simple adjustment of language can increase web site traffic enormously.
Be precise! You don't want to mislabel a product in your web page, just to get more traffic. You'll just disappoint visitors who weren't looking for your widget. They'll probably even be annoyed about being "fooled" into visiting your web page. Not good for you, or them. There are billions of people out there and somebody actually wants what you have.
Increase Search Engine Traffic with Better Keywords
Find out the phrases your potential visitors use to describe what you have to offer. Better yet, determine which phrases aren't being serviced by your competitors. The laws of "supply and demand" can be a very powerful tool and applies to every aspect of marketing.
Web Site Search Engine Optimization
Once you have good keywords, optimize your web page using these keywords. There are certain places within your page you need to use these keyword phrases. Learn the secrets to keeping the search engines happy. You'll be surprised at how simple it can be.
Submit To Search Engines
Once you've got your page ready, it's time to tell everyone you can make your own web site. The search engines will do most of the work for you, but you can control the way they work. Getting the search engines to update your page once you've made modifications is easy, if you know how.
Track Web Site Visitor Traffic
When visitors start showing up at your web site, it would be nice to know where and why they came to visit. Then you could invite more, or use the successful method somewhere else.